From Laurie Cohen:
The Annual Tempe One-Day Tournament is always a great reunion of Scrabble players across Arizona. This year, we were excited to have players from New Mexico, California, and Nevada, as well. Paula Catanese drove to Tempe from San Jose, CA with her dog, Mac A Roni! Nancee Mancel and John Karris flew in from New Mexico. Dave Nabutovsky from Las Vegas returned to tourney scrabble after a 12 year hiatus! Welcome back!
With the temperature in Phoenix still in the triple digits, a fun prize of a $10 ice cream parlor gift card was offered in each division for the best ice cream word. In Division B, Andrew Schwartzberg won with MINTY. In Collins, sadly, there was no submission, so two prizes were awarded in division A – one to Gary Smart for CHILLED and the other to John Karris for FUDGE.

Thanks to all who attended, especially those who came from out of town. It was a great day of Scrabble and friendship!