Dear Friends,
This fall, Janice Kaye has let the Executive Committee know that after over 9 years as WGPO’s Treasurer, she has decided that it is time for her to step down from this role. The Executive Committee and Board of Player Representatives would like to thank Janice for her longtime volunteer service to WGPO on behalf of the entire membership. Thanks Janice!
This fall, the EC will be seeking volunteers/nominations for a new Treasurer, and hope to fill this important position by the end of the year.
The new treasurer will be responsible for
1) accurately keeping orderly financial records for the organization
2) handling the regular financial transactions of the organization, by
deposit donations, writing checks that are authorized by the EC, etc.
3) assist the EC with longer term financial planning by creating occasional financial reports, assist with budgeting, etc.
4) communicate periodically with the larger organization regarding the financial status of WGPO
Previous financial experience is a plus. If you are interested in volunteering or would like to nominate someone for this role, please email the EC at
During this time of transition, Steve Pellinen will act as our interim Treasurer.
The Executive Committee of WGPO