Here’s a belated report on the Madison one. Lynda Finn and Mike Johnson really know how to organize and run fun-filled events. Even those of us who lost most of our games had fun. Noah Walton won the big money in TWL Division 1, while Thomas Reinke was Gibsonized in the final two rounds of the Collins division. Lilla Sinanan won TWL Division 2 and Roxanne Prichard topped Division 3. Details under “Past Tournaments”.

Since I’m not much of a photographer, I asked for others’ photos. Ruchi Gupta responded with this picture of Roxanne Prichard with her mother, Trish Harrop. On her way to victory, Roxanne beat Trish, 404 – 378.
One week after the conclusion of the Madison tournament, West Coast WGPO members had a choice between tourneys in Redwood City, California, and Lake Oswego, Oregon. Since I live in Lake Oswego, my choice was easy. Mitch Bayersdorfer made his WGPO directorial debut there. He organized a Friendsgiving feast at Scott Smith’s house, raised $70 for literacy, and guided ten of us through a 6-game tournament. Those of us who played poorly could attribute our losses to too much good food. Washingtonians carried away the top prizes: Adam Henderson in Division 1 and Mary Logullo in Division 2. Maybe we need more border security.
I’ve gotten no report from Redwood City, but I see that Bennett Jacobstein emerged as the victor.