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Having Trouble Accessing the WGPO Forum?

Dear members,

The main pages of our website are open to the public, members and nonmembers alike.

The Forum section of the website is where members must log in, since this is the page where we will be conducting all membership-wide voting, and voting is only open to members.

Some of you may have registered as members a while ago and cannot remember the username you used to register. Please feel free to contact me at any time and I can look up your username for you. If you have also forgotten your password, as long as you have the correct username, you can reset your password using this link.

We want to ensure that all members who wish to do so are able to vote. Please do not hesitate to contact me, or anybody else on the EC if you are having problems accessing the Forum page on the website. It is no trouble at all to look up a username or confirm membership.

Stephanie Steele