Director Laurie Cohen reports:
A few highlights…we welcomed three players who were either new to tournament play or hadn’t played in a decade or two. Welcome to Joann Friedman, Kathleen Kelly, and Jun Escota who was visiting from Las Vegas. In addition to monetary prizes, a set of purple Injection Molded Protiles was awarded for the most letters in the word TEMPE (ties broken by score of play). Satya Mahapatra won for MASTERED ( 4 letters – 68 pts). Also, a tile bag from Incredible Tile Bags was awarded in a door prize drawing. Linda Stephens won.
In division 1, Richard Spence was Gibsonized in the 8th round and was undefeated. In division 2, Satya Mahapatra also went 8-0. In division 3, Linda Stephens was just one win shy of a perfect day. Congrats to all!
It was a nice day of Scrabble, food, and friends, followed by a post-tourney barbecue and more (casual) Scrabble. Even an evening dust storm (or haboob) didn’t dampen the mood. Thanks to all participants and special thanks to all those who helped out by bringing food, entering data, grilling, and bringing tables and chairs. You’re all a great bunch! Congrats to all the prize winners