From Lynda Finn:

Minneapolis power Scrabble couple, Steve Pellinen and Lisa Odom top the Madison Summer Tournament. Thomas Reinke finishes third. These three, along with Charles Reinke, dominated the tournament to such an extent that after the first 11 game round robin, they played between the four of them exclusively for the next 7 rounds. That means that each pair faced each other 3 or 4 times. What a tough line-up they had on the path to victory.
Performance prize went to Leslie Millard. Fun prizes went to Steve Pellinen, Thomas Reinke, Jason Vaysberg, Michael David, Samuel H Smith, Leslie Millard, James Frankki and Lynda Finn

Marcia Wade was the gibsonized winner of Division B. Dennis Lloyd came in second, Fran Galt finished third, and Vicki Zimny finished fourth. The performance prizes went to James Nalepka and Helen Flores. Fun prizes went to Susan Hoehn, Vicki Zimny, Gail Salm, Diane L. Weinerman, Fran Galt, and David John Carlson.
Congrats to all the winners, and thanks to everyone for making this such a fun tournament. Thanks to Emily Jones, Jason Vaysberg, and David John Carlson for your help during the tournament. Thanks to the Madison Scrabble Club, Bennett Jacobstein and Leslie Millard for your generous contributions to the prize fund. Thanks to Helen Flores for the Rack Sack prizes.

Results: Madison 6 17