From Dave Postal:

Our Los Angeles Winter Games Tournament is in the books, although it was not without its complications (mudslides, road closures, flu, computer malfunctions) 38 players managed to have a competition filled day at the Westside Pavilion in West Los Angeles. Having to escape the beautiful 80 degree weather outside was a sacrifice the players had to make but everyone was in good spirits when we returned 100% of the entry fee (after room expenses). Other notable events of the day included Terry Veevers playing the high play of the day VANISHES for 174 points and then vanishing before he collected his prize and Marlene Cain, at her very first tournament, capturing the “E” division victory.

Many thanks to Paul Rickhoff for co-directing and Mike Johnson for helping with pairings after a computer malfunction caused the program to re-pair everyone after round 1 including making duplicates!

There will be one more event in Southern California before Word Cup 8 in Burbank and that will be at the Long Beach Bridge Club, tentatively scheduled for Sunday, April 15.