From Dave Postal:
With co-director Paul Rickhoff, twenty four Scrabblers forewent New Orleans,
the Rams football playoff game, local illness and seasonably cool weather to
play in our first Long Beach tournament of 2019. The winners of div A were
Yuki Loritz (1st), Elizabeth Ralston (2nd). Div B winners were Dani Roter
(1st) and David Baran (2nd) and Div C winners were Keith Forman (1st) and
Margaret Hughes (2nd). They are flanked by the directors and winners of
high win, high game and high loss awards.

Joanie Scafuto was the special word winner, playing the most letters in the
word GAMES by playing…..GAMES! Nobody told her to stop playing games, so she did. She also took all the
pictures, except the one of herself!