Notes from Meeting of WGPO Board of Player Representatives and Executive Committee
Campbell, CA
May 26, 2013
Attendees – From the Executive Committee: Keith Hagel, Rick Wong. From the Board of Player Representatives: Bennett Jacobstein, Larry Rand, Steve Pellinen, Susi Tiekert. WGPO members: Ruth Hamilton, Melissa Brown
Not Present: Stephanie Steele (EC), Sue Hoehn (BPR)
Meeting called to order @ 9 pm by Keith.
1. WEB SITE: All attendees agreed that there is a need to update the website content. Steve has spoken with Aaron Daly whose current company is our web host and will continue going forward. Aaron has indicated that he would be interested in taking on responsibility for possibly redesigning the website and updating the content. Rick gave insights on the Word Press framework now used for content management on the WGPO site. Larry is willing to get training on web updates using Word Press, and Rick is willing to train /mentor, if no other resources are identified. Larry will approach current members about possible web responsibilities, and Susi has a potential recruit. Currently the following people are authorized to update the website: Steph Steele, Keith Hagel, Dave Wood for tournament information, and Brian Galebach for ratings. Wish list: number of tournaments played per individual, ability to sort by state / province and alphabetically.
2. WORD CUP 2014. Several cities in the West and Midwest are under consideration as the possible site for WC 2014. Ideally, a location will be selected in time to announce at WC 2013 this August. As a reference, August 9 -13, 2014 are the dates of NASPA Buffalo nationals. Two weeks before would be considered for WC 2014.
3. IDEAS: Bennett mentioned an idea for a WGPO Tour to encourage tournament participation, and then he moved to table the idea until further information is gathered. Bennett proposed another idea, a Baseball Lovers 15 game Scrabble Tournament and Road Trip. Attendees acknowledged that word game players also tend to be baseball fans, and agreed that this idea should be investigated for 2014, both during Spring Training and regular season.
4. RULES: There was limited discussion about tournament rules; Rick pointed out that the LPGA does not have its own rules for golf — they use both the US and the UK rules depending on where they play. This is an example of a group that uses other groups’ rules. More discussion to be held on this topic.
Meeting adjourned @ 9:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa M. Brown
WGPO Member Liaison