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David Goldberg | Loveland, CO (US)


1593 NWL

Overall Record

231 wins

231 losses

2 ties


390 for

398 against

Per-Lexicon Averages


    390 - 398

Per-Lexicon Record


    231 - 231 - 2


View Head-To-Head Stats

Total Winnings



DateTournamentWLTSpreadPlace (division)Old RatingNew RatingPrizes
1/11/2020Loveland Single-Day Tournament26-3457 of 8 (1)16391593
11/23/2019Monumental Scrabble 201944+15 of 10 (1)16401639$10.00
9/28/2019Loveland Single-Day Tourney44-1876 of 8 (1)16411640
7/20/2019Word Cup 20191120-76526 of 30 (1)17471641
5/18/2019Loveland Single-Day Tourney53+543 of 8 (1)17431747$30.00
4/13/2019National Scrabble Day Scrabble Tournament52+1302 of 6 (1)17441743$38.00
1/12/2019Loveland Single-Day Tourney53+134 of 10 (1)17381744$20.00
11/17/2018Monumental Scrabble44-2526 of 8 (1)17551738
9/29/2018Loveland Single-Day Tourney52+3022 of 9 (1)17411755$50.00
7/7/2018Word Cup 8 TWL32011+5094 of 30 (1)16001741$300.00
5/19/2018Loveland Single-Day Tourney53+3672 of 10 (1)15841600$64.00
1/13/2018Loveland Single-Day Tourney44-1984 of 8 (1)15881584
11/18/2017Monumental Scrabble Tournament62+3342 of 10 (1)15501588$85.00
9/16/2017NCSC & Denver & Boulder Scrabble Tourney53+1154 of 12 (1)15251550$17.00
7/29/2017Word Cup 2017 - Springfield, MA13161-45616 of 25 (1)14811525$240.00
5/20/2017NCSC & Denver & Boulder Scrabble Tourney44-1035 of 8 (1)14941481
1/14/2017NCSC Denver Boulder Tourney16-7149 of 9 (1)15481494
11/19/2016Monument-al Inaugural Scrabble Tournament44-797 of 10 (1)15421548
9/17/2016Northern Colorado & Denver/Boulder Scrabble Tournament44+626 of 10 (1)15521542
7/30/2016Word Cup 2016- WJ2/TWL3 Main Event1516-102417 of 28 (1)15011552$300.00
5/21/2016Northern Colorado & Denver/Boulder Scrabble Tournament44-836 of 10 (1)15061501
1/23/2016Loveland Scrabble Tournament44-1277 of 10 (1)15041506
7/25/2015Northern Colorado & Denver/Boulder Clubs61+5901 of 8 (1)14471504$59.00
3/21/2015Loveland Scrabble Tournament35-2209 of 10 (1)14541447
11/8/2014Loveland Scrabble Tournament341-3126 of 8 (1)14401454
8/2/20142014 WGPO Word Cup Main Event922-135820 of 20 (1)14751440
8/1/20142014 WGPO Word Cup Early Bird25-855 of 8 (2)15191475
7/13/2014Denver Area Tourney26-4329 of 10 (1)15571519
4/12/2014Loveland, CO44+157 of 10 (1)15631557
12/9/2013Cabo San Lucas II97+1435 of 10 (1)15611563
11/9/2013Loveland Scrabble Tourney53+3113 of 8 (1)15311561$28.00
8/3/2013WGPO Word Cup - Main Event1614+6413 of 31 (1)13801531$225.00
8/2/2013WGPO Word Cup - Early Bird25-40910 of 10 (2)14111380
7/13/2013Loveland44+175 of 10 (1)13961411$5.00
4/26/2013Rocky Mountain Rumble - Main Event96+74 of 12 (1)13211396$135.00
4/26/2013Rocky Mountain Rumble - Early Bird50+7371 of 4 (2)12911321$75.00
1/26/2013Loveland17-54010 of 10 (1)13361291
10/13/2012Denver-Boulder Scrabble Tournament35-1285 of 8 (1)13351336
5/26/2012Bobbie Sageser Memorial Tournament144+9152 of 12 (2)12671335$150.00