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Maureen Pranghofer | Golden Valley, MN (US)


560 NWL

Overall Record

51 wins

168 losses

0 ties


320 for

388 against

Per-Lexicon Averages


    320 - 388

Per-Lexicon Record


    51 - 168 - 0


View Head-To-Head Stats

Total Winnings



DateTournamentWLTSpreadPlace (division)Old RatingNew RatingPrizes
9/25/2021Minneapolis One Day26-4886 of 6 (2)557560
6/2/2019June Scrabble13-2965 of 7 (3)551557
6/1/2019June Scrabble26-595 of 6 (3)578551
8/18/2018Twin Cities August110-84410 of 10 (3)613578
2/27/2018Last Tuesday Tourney04-2894 of 4 (3)624613
12/2/2017Twin Cities Fall Tournament210-134917 of 17 (2)615624
11/28/2017Last Tuesday Tourney05-74010 of 10 (1)620615
10/24/2017Next to Last Tuesday Tourney05-61210 of 10 (1)627620
6/27/2017Club 42 Last Tuesday Tourney05-35810 of 10 (2)644627
5/21/2017Let's PLAY one DAY in MAY23-2687 of 9 (2)622644$30.00
1/14/2017Pinkeye413-157016 of 18 (1)589622
4/2/2016Twin Cities Spring Scrabble211-126914 of 14 (3)617589
1/16/2016PINKEYE Tournament59-43711 of 13 (3)598617
11/21/2015Bloomington Fall Tourney310-30614 of 14 (3)613598$15.00
11/9/2013Twin Cities Fall Tourney411-9878 of 8 (4)603613
3/23/2013Doobie's "RUBIES & NEWBIES"16-5988 of 8 (5)634603$10.00
11/10/2012Twin Cities Fall Scrabble Tourney58-26010 of 14 (3)589634
8/4/2012WGPO Word Cup 20121020-124320 of 22 (3)546589$20.00
8/22/2010Minneapolis II17-106724 of 24 (1)554546
8/21/2010Minneapolis I26-64522 of 24 (1)551554
5/1/2010WGPO MayDay Tournament410-74712 of 12 (4)557551